God's Love is NOT Reckless
True Worshippers of the Living God will ensure that the words of their Praise/Worship songs are written or sung to glorify God and to align with His Holy Word. Ironically, many across Christianity have ignored the need to validate praise and worship songs with scripture and have focused on their rhythm, prose, and popularity. One such song is "Reckless Love," by Cory Asbury. The Love of God is indescribable by any one word. However, there is one word it does NOT align with. That is calling the love of God 'Reckless." Perhaps it was a few years ago in 2018, when I was singing the song “Reckless Love” at my church in Michigan, when the Holy Spirit asked me to consider the words of the song I was singing. Immediately, it dawned on me that the song was calling the love of God as being “Reckless.” After church, when I looked into God's Holy Word, "The Bible," and searched on the word “reckless,” I came to see that this word was always used in the Bible ab...