Social Media and God - The Common Factor

On October 4, 2021 I read a news article stating that, “Facebook executive says it's 'ludicrous' to blame Jan. 6 on social media.” Over the past few years, the entire social media like Twitter and other platforms have been blamed for every wrong thing that has been committed by people on these platforms. Ironically, when I see and hear such news, I wonder who is truly at fault? Is it these platforms or someone else? Are the media and the people looking for scapegoats instead of dealing with the real source? Being a business technologist myself, I have come to recognize that Facebook and every social media have created a powerful and technological genius platform, which has enabled people across the globe, in a fraction of a second, to engage with one another on their personal, emotional, spiritual, and social life, freely with no restrictions. People have the freedom to post anything, engage in any topic – religious, political, sexual, psychological, philosophical. People ...