When I was a young kid I used to love watching the stars and the moon in a dark night sky. I used to wonder how the moon shined and brought light to this dark earth. It was in my science class that I understood that the Moon does not have any light of its own, since it has no internal source of energy, like the Sun. What we call moonlight was secondary light produced by light hitting the surface of the Moon. The beautiful moonlight was actually reflected sunlight. Another thing that I found interesting was that the moon had a dark spots. However, these dark spots were overshadowed by the magnificence and beauty of the moonlight. As we examine our lives we too can find some dark spots. On our own we too are like the moon. We too do not have a light of our own, since our life is marred with sin. As we journey through life’s struggles, we will be able to see our true nature revealed with pride, selfishness, wickedness, lust, fights, quarrels, hatred…etc. ...