Is Covid-19 Vaccine mentioned in Revelation?
Many people within Christian circles have started saying that Covid-19 vaccine is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, hence we should avoid taking it. So how about we evaluate this claim with proper Biblical context and see if it is true or not. Translation and Accurate Interpretation - Many Christian prophets/pastors and people have rightly stated that the word “sorcery” which is used in Rev 18:23 has a root word from Greek which is “pharmakei” from which we get the English word pharmaceutical which refers to the drugs or medicines. To consider this in context, magicians and witches from earlier days, created magic portions by mixing chemicals or drugs to deceive people. However, in current day, drugs/medicines are for medicinal purposes used for the welfare of man. Also we can see that this same word "sorcery" is used in Gal 5:20 and in the Old Testament 2 Chron 33:6, where the same word "sorcery" is mentioned about the deception of magicians using drugs or che...