Is Covid-19 Vaccine mentioned in Revelation?

Many people within Christian circles have started saying that Covid-19 vaccine is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, hence we should avoid taking it.  So how about we evaluate this claim with proper Biblical context and see if it is true or not.

  1. Translation and Accurate Interpretation - Many Christian prophets/pastors and people have rightly stated that the word “sorcery” which is used in Rev 18:23 has a root word from Greek which is “pharmakei” from which we get the English word pharmaceutical which refers to the drugs or medicines. To consider this in context, magicians and witches from earlier days, created magic portions by mixing chemicals or drugs to deceive people. However, in current day, drugs/medicines are for medicinal purposes used for the welfare of man. Also we can see that this same word "sorcery" is used in Gal 5:20 and in the Old Testament 2 Chron 33:6, where the same word "sorcery" is mentioned about the deception of magicians using drugs or chemicals. Hence, this word is NOT exclusive to the book of Revelation. There is nothing new or unique about that word. Also we can see that in all these bible verses, the word sorcery is generally referring to medicines or drugs, rather it is NOT making a specific mention of one special DRUG or VACCINE.  So now to make a conclusion that this word in Revelation is ONLY referring to Covid-19 vaccine is a BIG STRETCH and non-contextual to Biblical interpretation. In short, it is contextually inconclusive to make a concrete statement that the Covid-19 vaccine is referred in the Book of Revelation. 
  2. What about other vaccines? Another point to take into consideration is, how do we know that Rev 18:23 is talking about Covid-19 vaccine and not something else? Why not some other drug that may have been produced in the past or may get produced in the future? What concrete evidence do we have in the Bible about this? Or is this simply a speculation? Also what about the smallpox vaccine, chicken pox vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine or any of the vaccines that we got from childhood? ( Are they also referred in Rev 18:23? If the argument is that it is referring to Covid-19 vaccine, how does one know with absolute clarity or this simply an assumption? False assumptions will lead many astray from the truth.  It is okay, if one does not want to take a vaccine, that is a personal choice, but to claim it is in the book of Revelation, is a pure baseless assumption. 
  3. How is someone dying of Covid? It is true that the people who die from Covid-19 are less that 1-2% of the population. However, what many people seem to miss the point is that most people who die of Coronavirus are not really dying because of Corona rather their internal organs fail when Coronavirus attacks their body. They either have a heart attack, have pneumonia or their kidneys fail or perhaps their lungs collapse or something else happens. If these people did not have Corona, they would have survived even if they had the same organ dysfunction - people could have been treated for those issues and survived.  All the stats that we have in the market, does not capture this key distinction. If a person dies of heart attack, that is shown as the cause of death rather than Coronavirus. However, we fail to see that it was because of Corona virus that the person had a heart attack. Now to assume that Coronavirus is not dangerous, is like walking on thin ice. People who claim this have not seen the vicious nature of this virus, and how it debilitates other organs in the body, leading to death for many people. This is why we have a pandemic and until we don’t get it in control everyone is at risk. So please be careful.  
  4. mRNA changes DNA - Another false understanding that people have is that the mRNA vaccine is there to change your DNA. This is simple illiteracy of basic biology. My son who studied AP Bio in high school can educate such people about mRNA. People who claim this, should read and understand what mRNA is all about before making any conclusive statements, otherwise it will be false. and absolutely baseless.  Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to one of the DNA strands of a gene. Per the CDC, we know it is mRNA vaccines that teach our cells how to make a protein-or even just a piece of a protein-that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. In other words, it’s just helping your body do what it naturally does. It’s not doing anything different. It’s NOT changing who you are. It’s not changing your DNA. It’s just helping you make these antibodies and antibodies are what you make when you get sick already. You make specific antibodies to fight different types of diseases. So, this is just helping you make an antibody that will fight COVID.  ( ) and ( )
  5. The mark of the beast - Some use Revelation 13 to state that the scratch or perhaps the shot we get from the Covid-19 vaccine is what is referred as the mark of the beast. 

    1. If the above was true, what about all the injections, and vaccines we have got over our lifetime? How come they were not the mark of the beast? How come only Covid-19 vaccine is the mark of beast? What is the Biblical evidence for that?
    2. Rev 13 talks about the beast in vs 11.  Who is the beast? Has that beast arisen on this earth? Has the Antichrist already come? Has rapture already happened?  The answer for all of them is a clear NO, since you and I are still on this earth. Until these stated facts do not happen the mark of the beast will also not come.
    3. The biblical context (in vs 16) tells us that this beast is the one who “..causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,” So until the Antichrist is revealed, the mark of the beast will NOT come into play. Anyone who tries to state it so, is simply fooling everyone. 
    4. Again in vs 17 we see “so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” As of today, you and I can buy or sell both in our local markets and online market across the world with No restrictions. Our credit cards, our banks and our cash is still valid and we can buy and sell with NO conditions attached, just as in the past. The day we cannot do that, that is the day of the mark of the beast. 
    5. Finally, in vs 18 we see the reference to the mark of the beast as being 666.  For 100's of years, many people have prophesied or speculated about how this number or mark will play out and almost everyone has fallen short of it being true. Many so called Christian prophets are doing the same even now. So beware.  
    6. So brothers and sisters, please be very cautious of people who boldly claim that the Antichrist is here or this is the mark of the beast.  Let’s not be foolish, all the prerequisites in Rev 13 and as stated across the Bible (book of Daniel, Zechariah, Matthew 24,1 & 2 Thessalonians etc.) have to come to fruition first, before the mark of the beast will come. 

I encourage many who blindly claim that Coronavirus is not real, and that Covid-19 vaccine is to be avoided, to educate themselves. They should NOT take God’s Word out of context and make extraneous statements that contradict with in God’s Word. Please avoid spreading such fake news to deceive people. 

I write this article to help educate all Christians to be like the Bereans, seek the Word yourself and not trust such charlatans. Please be cautious of these random prophets who don’t read the word in context. 

Matthew 24:11-13 (ESV) 11 And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. 12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

I don’t speak with ignorance, rather having proper theological understanding of Scripture I teach the Bible in its proper context. Additionally, having lost a pastor, friend and brother in Christ in July 2020 to Coronavirus, having observed its vicious nature very closely and having kept myself abreast about it by reading on all the details of this virus and how this virus has created havoc both in my friend’s life and in the life of millions of people across the world, I suggest to everyone to be cautious and take the vaccine for your and others protection. 

This is not the "mark of the Beast." When that "mark" comes, we will all know, we will NOT need prophets or false teachers to tell us what it may be. The Spirit of God will tell you that, provided you are a true child of God.

God bless and be safe.

With love and Prayers
Pastor Stanley Samuel
Empowering Discipleship & Missions

"Outside the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is NO other hope for mankind."


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