One step towards God will transform our eternal destiny

Long time ago in an age when the people of this world had become extremely corrupt and the world was full of violence, God regretted creating mankind. Gen 6:8 tells us that “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.”  

Today we are living in similar times; violence is permeating in schools, public places and across the world. Corruption is on the rise and families are breaking apart. In those days God found only one man who was truly “righteous” and “walked faithfully with God.” God tells Noah “I will establish my covenant with you…” (Gen 6:18) 

It is amazing to see God’s action to one man’s faithfulness. Noah’s life not only challenges us, but it encourages us to be like him. Today we are forced to ask these questions. Can God see a Noah in our life? Will we be able to stand for our family through our faithfulness to Him? If the answer to these is not a bold Yes, then it is not too late to make amends. Jesus is standing at your doorstep for you to respond and make the changes needed in your life. A small step today will transform the eternal destiny for you and your family.


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